Radishes in Louisville

The flowers are sprouting here in Louisville, and at the bike shop I’m at we’ve got radishes:

Spring daffodils & Radishes!








The Radish, as seen above, is the S.U.B. put out by the folks from XtracycleS.U.B. is of course Sport Utility Bike. Read more about these bikes and their associated health providing Free Radicals at xtracycle.com, or come on up to Bike Couriers Bike Shop on Frankfort Ave and take a ride yourself on our Radish and find out what these long-tail bikes are all about. 

They’re not only fun to ride, but exciting to look at and think about—the concept that is, primarily having the ability to be wholly self-sufficient and easily car-free; the Radish (or the conversion of an existing bike to a long-tail) enables you to haul hundreds of pounds of cargo or simply a week’s worth of groceries without having to fight traffic gridlock, fill up a gas tank, or search for parking. These are all benefits that really equate to having a good time!

Radish—image courtesy of Xtracycle.com

Post Arrival

We’ve made it to Louisville, Kentucky. It was a quick trip across, we’ve been here just over a week, and we’re just about settled. Old Louisville: cool, eclectic, part of town (loving this place, where I’m at right now). Bike Couriers: very cool bike shop, really Louisville’s only urban, inner-city shop (website updating soon); very Magna-rific at times.

I don’t have the internet at my leisure just yet, so this is an extremely brief post.

Bike racks here look like this:


sometimes like this:


and more commonly, like this:
